Viggle schedule for Monday - 1/20/2014
DirecTV subscribers: Do not check into 12 AM regular show listed on the schedule below, instead stay checked into "Klondike" which is a 2:05 hour show with 5x bonus for DirecTV customers.
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More bonus shows today:
"The Bourne Identity" movie - Viggle Live Answers
- The 1988 mini-series adaptation of The Bourne Identity starred Richard Chamberlain
- The Bourne Identity was directed by Doug Liman
- Who was originally offered the role of Jason Bourne? Brad Pitt
- The film won 0 Academy Awards.
- The Bourne Identity originally began as a Novel
- At the beginning of the film, Bourne is rescued by a group of Fishermen
- The Bourne Identity has no Opening Credits
- Bourne’s signature duffle bag is Red
- Clive Owen appears as The professor in the film.
- Franka Potente, who plays Marie, starred in the foreign thriller Run Lola Run
- The alias of Jason Bourne was created for Operation Treadstone
- After leaving the U.S. Consulate, Bourne meets Marie
- At the beginning of the film, Bourne has been shot 2 times.
- Giancarlo finds a Laser Pointer hidden beneath Bourne’s skin.
- In Zurich, Bourne takes down two officers after they catch him sleeping in a Park
- Chris Cooper plays Alexander Conklin
- Treadstone ops all suffer from Headaches
- Which public figure survives a failed assassination attempt? Nykwana Wombosi
- What is the name of the bank that Jason Bourne visits in Zurich? Gemeinschaft
- Bourne offers Marie $20,000 to drive him to Paris.
- On the road, Bourne reveals to Marie that he suffers from Amnesia
- John Michael Kane is Another alias of Bourne’s
- Before his alleged death, John Michael Kane was staying at The Hotel Regina
- While meeting with Conklin, it is revealed that Bourne couldn’t kill Wombosi because his Children were present.
- Ultimately, Bourne defeats three assassins: Castel, The Professor and Manheim
- At the end of the film, Bourne reunites with Marie in Greece
- In Paris, Marie and Bourne fo visit the alleged John Michael Kane in the Morgue
- Who successfully kills Wombosi? The Professor
- Bourne discovers that, prior to his amnesia, he used to be a Assassin
- While in Gemeinschaft, Bourne rediscovers his name by looking at a Passport
- Eamon is Marie’s Stepbrother
- Who ambushes Bourne and Marie in the Paris apartment? Castel
- Bourne fends off Castel with a Ballpoint pen
- Who cuts Marie's hair? Jason
- At Eamon's, Bourne shoots a Propane tank to distract The Professor.
- Bourne calls Conklin with The Professor's cell phone.
- In the last scene of the film, Bourne's red duffle bag reappears as a Flower planter
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